Keep all your camping gear accessible in one place, while doing recreational activities. This storage strap will prevent your bags, gear, and food from dirt and insects while in the campsite.
Your camping trips should be all about the campfire breakfasts and exploring the wilderness. Tidy up your camp by hanging your gear up high to keep those critters and bugs away.

- Easy and Fast Hang: Wrap the strap with the loop end from a tree and let it hang down. Adjust the tension and according to your needs. Or, wrap each of the two ends around a tree then snap together with the handy buckle.
- Easy and Fast Hang: Wrap the strap with the loop end from a tree and let it hang down. Adjust the tension and according to your needs. Or, wrap each of the two ends around a tree then snap together with the handy buckle.
- Multiple Loops, Hooks, and Clips: The strap features 19 loops and includes 8 carabiner hooks, and 4 clips. The loops ingeniously keep the hooks from sliding towards the center so you can spaciously hang your camp utensil.
- Applicable: Ideal for camping, fishing, gardens, garages, sheds, and barns. Very convenient for variety of uses in outdoor or indoor hanging storage system.
Material: PP
Size: 430*2.5 cm
Weight: 195 g
Color: Black
Package: 1 * rope + 19 * hooks
- Please allow slight measurement deviations due to manual measurement.